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More Stories in Animals

  1. esportiva bet: Animals

    This snake goes to extಞreme🎀s to play dead — and it appears to pay off

    When dice snakes fake their death to avoid predators, those that use a combination of blood, poop and musk spend less time pretending to be dead.
  2. esportiva bet: Neuroscience

     Lampreys hav🍸e ‘fight or flight’ cells, challenging ideas about nervous system evolution

    The discovery of sympathetic nervous system cells in lampreys draws a closer tie between the animal and complex vertebrates — such as humans.
  3. esportiva bet: Animals

    Want to see butterflies in your backyard? 🎶Try doing less yardwork ᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚ

    Growing out patches of grass can lure adult butterflies and moths with nectar and offer lawn mower–free havens for toddler caterpillars.
  4. esportiva bet: Animals

    This orangutan used a medicinal plant on his face wound 𒅌

    Rakus the orangutan appeared to be treating a cut to his face with a plant that’s also used in traditional human medicine.
  5. esportiva bet: Animals

    Belugas may communicate by warping a♌🌟 blob of forehead fat

    Jiggling the “melon” like Jell-O seems to be associated with sexual behaviors, scientists say.
  6. esportiva bet: Animals

    Ximena V🍸elez-Liendo is saving Andean bears with honey

    By training beekeepers, biologist Ximena Velez-Liendo is helping rural agricultural communities of southern Bolivia coexist with Andean bears.
  7. esportiva bet: Health & Medicine

    Traces of bird flu are showing up in cow 🎃milk. Here’s what to know

    We asked the experts: Should people be worried? Pasteurization and the H5N1 virus’s route to infection suggests risks to people remains low.
  8. esportiva bet: Ecosystems

    Noise pollution c🥀an harm birds even before they hatch

    Exposing zebra finch eggs and hatchlings to traffic sounds had lifelong health impacts, raising concerns about increased anthropogenic noise.
  9. esportiva bet: Animals

    Glowing octocorals have b๊een around for at least 540 million years

    Genetic and fossil analyses shine a light on how long the invertebrates have had bioluminescence — a trait thought to be volatile.
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